Monday, December 31, 2007

RIP Walter Deed

I found out yesterday that Walter Deed passed away on December 16. I don't know the details other than he had been battling cancer for awhile. Anyone who has ever set foot in the UNT editing lab or NTTV knew Walt. For me, he was the one person I knew I could go to if I wanted someone to bullshit with, if I had a really stupid question I was too embarrased to ask anyone else, or if I was just having trouble in the lab. I can't even begin to count the number of times he bailed me out of all the stupid editing mistakes I made over the years.

My 2007 trifecta is now complete:
First, it was Carter. Then, it was Lori. Now, it's Walt.

Rest in peace buddy. I'll miss you.

Click here for info on the Walter P. Deed Scholarship fund: